Submission guidelines and key dates

Abstracts must be submitted before 1 June, 2017 to

The Committee will notify authors about the selected papers on 15 June 1st, 2017. The final version of papers must be submitted before August 15th, 2017.

The best papers will receive partial financial support to participate at the conference, including transport and accommodation.

The four best papers will be published, if authors agree, in a special issue of journal Tec Empresarial published by the Technological Institute of Costa Rica (this journal is part of SCIELO, DOAJ, LATINDEX, REDIB, DIALNET)

Specialists and scholars are also invited to organize a session choosing 3 or 4 papers from the conference topics.   

Papers must be submitted in the following format:

Summaries: They should be maximum 3 pages, including objectives, methodology, main results, contribution to knowledge and conclusions.  

Final papers:

MS Word, language: Spanish or English.
Papers should not exceed 7,000 words, all chapters included.
Title must be in bold, capital letters, centered. 
Author’s name must be under the title, in bold and aligned to the left. Please indicate author’s email.
Subtitles must be in bold, aligned to the left
Images should be in .jpg format, in separate files.

References: APA format (you can see the updated format in

Author’s information: there must be a section including authors’ names, job position, workplace, academic level and email. 

Abstract and key words: the abstract should be no longer than 200 words, including the main aspects of the paper, a summary of its applications and the most important conclusions. Five key words, that represent the topic of the paper, should be included.

Information in English: the title, summary and key words must be also in English, alongside the Spanish version in each case. If the article is in English, the information should be in Spanish too.  

Special sessions for students

Students from Masters and PhD programs are invited to present their theses on September 21st. Committee members will provide specific comments on their theses.  

All the details can be found in:

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